• How to Use AI in Content Marketing: A Crash Course for Writers
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In the digital age, content is king, and businesses are constantly seeking ways to produce engaging, high-quality content that resonates with their audience. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changing technology that is transforming the way content is created. From generating blog posts to crafting marketing copy, AI is proving itself as a valuable tool in the content creator’s toolbox.

What if we told you that intro paragraph was written by ChatGPT? It’s true. We used the prompt “write a short blog post about using AI to write content,” and that was the beginning of a nine-paragraph article. It’s not perfect, but it demonstrates how useful AI can be in content marketing. (Don’t worry, the rest of this article was written by a real human.)

AI in digital marketing is a hot topic and as content marketers, it’s tempting to write it off entirely (pun intended) since we’re committed to delivering thoughtful, person-centered content. But instead of fighting AI tools, what if we worked with them? Could they actually help us be better writers? 

We think so. And by the time you’re done reading this, we bet you will, too. 

Before we get started, we’d like to point out that if you use tools like ProWritingAid or Grammarly, you’re already using AI to proofread your work. Tools like ChatGPT and TextFX are just utilizing this technology in a different way.

With that said, let’s dive into the ways writers and content marketers can use AI to break free from writer’s block, summarize and rewrite their work.

Lightbulb Moment: AI Can Generate New Ideas

Consistently coming up with new ideas is part of a writer’s job, but it’s not always easy. Strict brand guidelines, a fast-paced work schedule, large content volumes and more can make it difficult to consistently bring fresh ideas to the table. When you’ve exhausted your usual sources of inspiration or you just want input from a truly unbiased third party, an AI tool like ChatGPT can provide new ideas in seconds.

With a simple command like “Give me 5 ideas for blog posts about training a puppy,” ChatGPT provided titles and content direction for five new articles. Adapt these to your client and audience, and you’re on your way to creating great content.

ChatGPT isn’t the only AI tool out there, though. Google’s TextFX is a suite of 10 free tools to help writers generate new ideas and be their most creative selves. 

One of TextFX’s features is POV, and it allows you to see your topic through different points of view. To test it, we asked TextFX to give us different POVs for “training your dog.” In return, we got results like:

  • Training your dog is the key to having a happy and stress-free life.
  • Training your dog is a great way to bond with them and build a strong relationship.
  • Training your dog can help them become a better member of society and make them more enjoyable to live with.
  • Training your dog is not as difficult as you might think, and it is definitely worth the effort.

These may not be jumping off points for a blog post about dog training, but they’re great inspiration for organic social posts, ads, email content or even brand pillars. Each speaks to the benefit of having a trained dog, which may be difficult to turn into a single piece of long-form content around, but they’re perfect for short-form.

Another TextFX feature that is useful for writers is Simile. As the name suggests, it creates similes for the topic you input. We put “generator” in and received the following:

  • The generator was like a lifeline to the remote village, providing a steady stream of electricity that allowed the residents to stay connected to the modern world.
  • The generator purred like a contented kitten, providing a steady stream of electricity to power our home.
  • The generator roared like a lion as it powered the lights.

While these lean a bit on the silly side, it’s a great way to get you thinking about your topic or product differently. Sometimes a little change in perspective is all you need to come up with your next brilliant idea.

TL;DR: Condensing and Summarizing Content

As a writer, condensing and simplifying a lot of information or complex material is often a daunting task—but AI offers a great starting point. 

To test its abilities, we asked ChatGPT to summarize these bullet points outlining key components of a product:

And in return, we got this paragraph:

While it needs some editing, it’s a solid foundation to work off of. Bullet points are great for making content skimmable, but sometimes a paragraph is needed to work off of when communicating key selling points to an audience. Using AI to summarize bullet points is a quick way to get the groundwork in place so you can refine it.

Delete Delete Delete: Rewriting Copy

As the saying goes, “writing is rewriting.” 

Whether you’re working through feedback, need a different way to get a point across or you just aren’t satisfied with your first (or second, or third…) draft, AI can help you in the rewriting process. 

ChatGPT is capable of rewriting everything from single sentences to full articles. For this exercise, we asked it to rewrite the sentence “AI is a powerful tool for copywriters, but it’s not without flaws” three different ways. Here’s what we got:

Ironically, the results are a demonstration of the very sentence it rewrote: they’re robotic and sound unnatural. Even so, we can pull out different words and phrases from each to create a new sentence that isn’t robotic. A few examples:

  • While AI is a powerful tool for copywriters, it has plenty of shortcomings.
  • AI holds significant potential for copywriters, but it’s not perfect.
  • While AI can be a great resource for copywriters, it has inherent shortcomings.

Depending on your audience, any of these would sound natural in a piece of content. They weren’t written by ChatGPT, but we used it to help us get to the final product.
For more tips and tricks on using AI in other digital marketing disciplines, check out our post on ChatGPT for SEO and leveraging ChatGPT in your overall marketing strategy.

  • Lose the Snooze: How to Make Boring Topics Come to Life
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Every writer has experienced it: a task comes to their inbox, and they wonder how they’re going to pull it off because the topic seems so dry.

But we work our magic and create a piece of content that brings it all to life. Here, we’re going to let you in on some of our secrets so you can make any topic more exciting.

1. Learn About It

Learning about your topic is always the first step when creating content. But with dry topics, it helps to do extra research and really dig into it. The more knowledge you have, the easier it’ll be to write about it. 

You don’t have to become an expert in the topic, but as a baseline, ask the five Ws: who, what, when, where and why. 

Let’s pretend we’ve been tasked with creating content about power outages for a generator manufacturer. The questions we need to answer are:

  • Who experiences power outages?
  • What do people do during outages?
  • When do most outages occur?
  • Where do most outages occur?
  • Why do power outages happen?

Once you’ve asked and answered these questions, you will have a more well-rounded view of the topic and your target audience. But maybe you want even more insight into your audience. Keep reading to find out how to get inside their heads.

2. Discover What Your Audience is Asking

Now that you’ve asked your own questions, it’s time to see what your audience is asking about the topic. Even the most “boring” subjects will be the point of some online discussion. Forums like Quora and Reddit are great ways to discover in-depth conversations, but Google and keyword research tools will help you see the big picture. You don’t need to be an SEO expert to find these keywords and phrases. Simply start typing your topic into Google and take a look at the suggested searches.  

Type your topic or even one of your questions outlined above into Google to get a better idea of what people are searching for. We started asking why power outages happen, and we see that people want to know additional information, like why they last so long and why they happen during storms. We also get complementary questions like “Why do power surges happen?” Now we have several topics our audience is searching for. These topics will make for great blog posts, emails, social media posts and other digital content. 

Try this exercise with your topic, product or service to get ideas of your own in just a few minutes.

3. Tell a Story

As marketers, we’re always striving to tell a story. With dry topics, storytelling becomes even more important. Storytelling allows you to break down boring or complex concepts and make them more interesting and easier to understand. 

For instance, power outages are what make generators necessary, but they’re inherently boring. 

A storm comes through and the power goes out. You switch on the flashlight on your phone and head to the garage to see if you can find your flashlights. After rummaging through a few storage bins, there they are! Two flashlights…with no batteries. You head back inside and sit in the dark, waiting for the power to come back on, vowing to be more prepared next time.

But if you had a generator, you wouldn’t have to do any of that. You could simply sit back, count to 10 and watch the power come back on. What you do next is up to you: keep binging your favorite show, cook a nice dinner or do that next load of laundry.

Did you notice we just used storytelling to make a power outage interesting? Then we brought it back to a key benefit of the product: having a generator means that power outages don’t have to interrupt your life. 

man holding flashlight

Here are a few tips to help you use storytelling with your topic:

  • Use relatable, real-world examples like we did above. Tying in a universal experience is a great way to reel readers in, build trust with your audience and be more authentic.
  • Remember that a story can be short. We could get our point across by simply saying, “A generator allows you to live life uninterrupted. So go ahead, watch one more episode.” 
  • Use storytelling to simplify complex concepts by cutting out jargon, pulling out the most important points and telling your customers how it benefits them. 

4. Make it Visual

Adding visuals is a tried and true way to break up content, but with a dry topic, it can do a lot more. Use infographics to bring statistics to life in a way that people can’t help but share. Take this map of power outages by state:

It starts with a compelling question: Did your state make the list? Then follows it up with an easy-to-scan list and a map, allowing readers to see the states most likely to lose power at a glance. Simply writing this information out would have gotten the point across, but with an infographic, the content is digestible and shareable. 

5. Above All, Tell the Truth

Sticking to the facts is always important, but in the age of clickbait, it might be tempting to exaggerate just a little to make your topic more exciting. We have just one word of advice: don’t. 

Readers don’t like being tricked, and when you stray from or stretch the truth, your reputation takes a hit. Don’t let the work you’ve done to build a credible brand go to waste for a few extra clicks.

For more ways to breathe new life into your marketing efforts, try “scary marketing” or a quiz.

  • Brand Authenticity: Why It’s Important and How to Build It
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Authenticity is a bit of a buzzword in the marketing world. Even if you’re not a marketer, you’ve probably heard influencers and content creators talk about being more authentic or “real” with their audience. While you can’t measure or calculate authenticity like other metrics, it’s arguably one of the most important ways to build trust with your audience.

But what does it really mean for a business or brand to be authentic?

What is Brand Authenticity?

In individuals, psychologists say that core traits of authenticity include being realistic, accepting, open to learning, having a good sense of humor and being able to express emotions clearly.

A lot of these traits carry over to the business world. Simply add transparency and consistent messaging and brand values to get the perfect recipe for an authentic brand. So, how do you make sure your business has all of those traits? It’s not as tricky as it might sound.

Increasing Your Brand’s Authenticity

1. Get Clear About Your Brand Values & Messaging Pillars

If your brand is a house, the brand values and messaging pillars are the foundation. And you can’t build a house without a solid foundation. Start building by clearly outlining what your brand stands for. Answer these questions to help you identify and build out these points:

  • Why does your brand, product or service exist? In other words, what problems does it solve?
  • What makes you different from competitors?
  • How do you want customers to perceive you?
  • What type of experience can customers expect from your business?

By having solid messaging pillars and brand values, you’ll be able to create content that resonates with your audience while staying true to your mission. For more information on separating your brand strategy from your marketing strategy, we’ve got you covered in this blog post.

2. Audit Your Website

We all know how important a good website is, so this is the best place to start in your quest for authenticity. In addition to great design and user experience, the content on your website is an opportunity to be transparent. Here’s how:

  • On the homepage: Tell viewers who you are and what you do upfront. They shouldn’t have to scroll far to learn what they can expect from you.
  • On the About page: Dive deeper into who you are, what you do and–most importantly–why you do it. This is also where you let people know what you stand for.
  • In your FAQs: A well-rounded FAQs page has answers to your customers’ most burning questions and is where you can be the most transparent. Whether it’s shipping, returns or manufacturing, you should give as much information as possible without releasing your business’s secrets to the world.

Making these changes to your website boosts your brand’s authenticity and instantly sends trust signals to your customers.

3. Add a Human Touch

While you know real people are behind your brand, it’s important that your content has a human touch. First, make sure your website copy reads like it was written by a real person. Typically, this means making your voice more conversational and writing the same way you would talk to a friend while also speaking your audience’s language. This includes the right amount of formality (or informality), nomenclature and even colloquial language.

For instance, using insider lingo builds trust and helps your audience feel like you really understand them. On the other hand, Gen Z slang isn’t going to go over well if your audience is older. 

When it comes to visuals, use stock photography sparingly and instead opt for photos and videos featuring your team or user-generated content whenever possible. Clothing brand Pact regularly features customers wearing and styling their clothes, making them feel more trustworthy and real.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by pact (@pact)

These subtle changes set your brand apart from competitors and make your business feel more authentic to readers, viewers and potential customers. 

4. Make Your Customer Feel Understood

Everyone likes to feel understood, and as consumers, we’re more likely to purchase from a brand that demonstrates an understanding of our problems. We pay a little extra attention when an ad promises to fix an issue we’ve been dealing with.

But as marketers, it’s easy to get caught up in the features of a product. After all, the features are likely what set us apart from competitors. Resist the urge to focus solely on features by giving the benefits plenty of time to shine. How will your product or service improve your customer’s life? How will it solve a problem they encounter?

For instance, a common issue when your home loses power is simply the disruption of everyday life. KOHLER Generators spoke directly to that pain point here:

Power outages disrupt your life, which is inconvenient. You can’t enjoy a hot meal or a hot shower, and the outage may even interfere with your livelihood if you work from home. But a KOHLER generator provides backup power, ensuring your life isn’t interrupted by outages. Life going on as usual is a key benefit of having a generator, and this ad successfully speaks to that.

5. Form a Connection With Your Customers

Wait, isn’t that the same as making them feel understood? Sort of. 

Forming a connection is more about the two-way communication you have with your audience. Here are some ways to forge strong relationships with your customers:

  • Interact with them and answer their questions on social media. Nearly 80% of people said that when they contact a brand through social media, they expect a response within 24 hours, making these social interactions vital to a brand’s reputation.
  • Rethink your customer service strategy. Are there ways you can provide quicker service or policies that you can revise to serve your customers better?
  • Show appreciation to your existing customers. A special promo code in their inbox, a gift or even a handwritten card all go a long way in making your customers feel appreciated.

Chewy is known for its excellent customer service, and this includes birthday cards for pets. In addition to making the brand more genuine, this gesture makes customers feel appreciated and fosters brand loyalty.

How Can You Make Your Brand More Authentic?

Authenticity isn’t something that happens overnight. It may take months or even years to truly build a reputation as an authentic brand. Ensure you’re working toward that by keeping authenticity in mind when creating your content plan and social media strategy.

  • How to Get the Most From Your Email Marketing: What Consumers Want (Part 2)
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Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase customer loyalty and retention, and it drives 40% more conversions than social advertising. Of course, that all hinges on your execution. If you’re not delivering what your customers want, you won’t get as much as you could from your email marketing efforts.

But what do customers want? We set out to learn just that.

To learn more about consumer email marketing preferences, including the interactive features they like to see, what makes them stop reading and how often they like to receive emails from a single brand, we surveyed 700 adults in the U.S. Read on to see what they had to say about email marketing to better inform your own campaigns.

Stop Signs

Your email lands in someone’s inbox, they open it and start reading. While we hope they’ll read to the very end, there’s a chance they’ll drop off. Quite a few things might make someone stop reading, but here’s what our respondents said makes them call it quits in the middle of an email (respondents were asked to select all that apply):

  • 54.7% said the content is too long
  • 47.5% said the content is not relevant to them
  • 44.5% said the headline causes them to stop reading
  • 39.1% said the subject line was misleading
  • 36.6% said the design
  • 18.7% said they typically read emails all the way through

Key takeaway: To keep people reading, make sure your emails are short and sweet with content that is as relevant to your audience as possible.

More Information, Please

Delivering information to your readers’ inboxes is the entire reason you send marketing emails in the first place. But are you giving them the information they need in the email, or are you asking them to visit your site to “Read More”? When we asked if respondents prefer getting their information from the email or if they want to go to the site to learn more, here’s what they said:

Key takeaway: Don’t rely on users clicking through. Put the bulk of the information you want recipients to read in the email. This may sound counterintuitive to our advice of keeping emails short and sweet, but it will allow you to explore ways to provide all the necessary information while still being succinct.

Caution: High Frequency

Marketers know that sending too many emails will cause people to unsubscribe. In fact, in part one of our email marketing survey, over 77% of respondents said that’s why they hit the “unsubscribe” button. 

So how often should you send emails? Here’s what people said when we asked how often they want to receive marketing emails from a single brand:

Key takeaway: Customers are comfortable hearing from your brand weekly or even daily! But before you rework your email marketing calendar to send more frequent emails, think about whether you can deliver relevant, quality content that often. If not, sending less frequently is perfectly fine—and in most cases, preferable to more frequent, low-quality emails.

Make it Fun

It’s no secret that interactive features can keep people engaged and on a website longer than text alone. While interactivity is a little more limited in email, it’s not impossible to incorporate it. Here are the interactive email features that appeal to survey takers the most (respondents were asked to select all that apply):

  • 46.7% like to see new product preview
  • 43% enjoy leaving a product/service review
  • 42.7% like taking polls
  • 39.6% like seeing countdowns in emails

Key takeaway: Any interactive element is likely to be a hit, so experiment with different ones to find which one resonates with your audience the most. For example, a countdown is a great way to create a sense of urgency around a sale ending.

countdown in an email

Step by Step

When making a large purchase like an appliance, furniture or car, the process isn’t always quick. With manufacturing time, shipping delays and order backlogs, it may be weeks or months before your customer gets what they ordered. When faced with a long buying cycle, we were curious to know if customers wanted an email at each step of the process. The answer? A resounding “yes.”

  • 90.1% said yes
  • 9.9% said no

Key takeaway: If customers are making a big purchase, they want to be kept in the loop. Look at your purchase journey and identify key points where an email would be useful for a customer. Even if it’s just a status update, identifying messaging opportunities during the sales process will only strengthen brand affinity.

Picture This

Every marketer knows that an email’s design is important. But when it comes to the assets used in the email, do readers prefer still images or videos? Here’s what they said:

  • 57.8% prefer images
  • 36.5% prefer videos
  • 5.7% have no preference

Key takeaway: Don’t force videos in your marketing emails. If you only have images, that’s fine! Images can work on their own, or they can be combined to make a gif for an easy way to add motion to an email.

Click Here

Button design is a big part of UX, and we were curious to see which buttons people would be most likely to click. Users chose one button from two different sets. Here’s what they chose:

Key takeaway: Cool colors like blue, green and teal were chosen more consistently than warmer colors. Four of the five button designs that users ranked the highest had sharp, not rounded, corners. Both of the top-ranked had multiple colors. When designing your next CTA button, try incorporating one or more of these elements and track any changes in click-through rates.

Get the Most Out of Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to nurture your customer base, so don’t neglect it! Contact us to learn more about our work and how we can elevate your business.

  • A Three-Stage Lead Nurturing Strategy Anyone Can Use
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If someone has reached the lead nurturing stage of your sales process, they’re aware of your business or service, but they don’t know everything about you. In fact, they may not know much aside from your name and a general idea of what you do.

Lead nurturing is how you educate prospective customers or clients about what you do, why you do it, how it works, and, most importantly, why any of it matters to them. It’s an extremely important part of turning a prospect into a loyal customer.

While it’s important, it doesn’t have to be complicated. We’ll break down the three stages of lead nurturing and how to turn a “maybe” into a “yes!” at each step. (This approach was created by Ken Krogue, co-founder of Inside Sales. We have expanded on it.)

A Lead Nurturing Strategy in Three Steps

These are the stages in which someone interacts with your business. In the first stage, they don’t know a lot about you. Your goal is to provide more and more information with each stage, allowing them to make an informed decision. Here are those three stages and what you can do for prospective customers at each one to nurture them to a sale.

1. Interest

At this stage, people are interested in your business, but they may not know very much about you. They don’t have enough information to make a purchase yet. They want and need to know more.

This is your chance to explain your offering, including the benefits of your product(s) and service(s). In short, why is what you do important? You can answer these questions on a variety of platforms in a variety of ways: social media, website content, email marketing, print and more.

Consider creating a series of social media posts, videos, animations or emails about the basics of your business and a few benefits. This could also be a blog post or page on your website where you point people who need a “crash course” on your business.

This social ad from KOHLER Power Reserve does a great job of answering a frequently asked question in a quick clip.

Important Dos and Don’ts During This Stage:

  • DO use vivid language. As the saying goes, paint a picture for your customers.
  • DON’T use jargon. Jargon and industry-specific terms only confuse people who aren’t in the industry, like your customers.
  • DO talk about the benefits of your product, but keep those benefits concrete. Use numbers and statistics when possible.
  • DON’T overwhelm your audience with information. At this stage, stick to the top 2-3 benefits. You’ll have the opportunity to tell them more later.

2. Understanding

At this stage, people know what you do and are aware of your product, but they probably don’t fully understand it. They may know you paint homes, install windows, or make high-quality handbags, but they aren’t sure what sets you apart from your competitors.

This is your opportunity to explain what makes your business special.

Here are some examples of questions to answer to better help people understand your business:

  • Do you offer free consultations?
  • How do you help customers decide which service/product would be best for them?
  • What is your delivery timeline? How long does it take to start using your product/service from the point of purchase?
  • What are your qualifications/certifications? Are you licensed/insured? (If applicable.)
  • What is your return/refund policy? Do you offer a warranty?

This video from Window World of Colorado takes a complex topic (energy efficiency) and explains it in a way that is easy to understand. It’s also versatile enough to be used across their website, social, or email campaigns.

Important Dos and Don’ts During This Stage:

  • DO listen to your customers. Create content that answers questions that real people have asked about your business. If one person has asked it, there are likely many more who kept their question to themselves.
  • DON’T get too bogged down in details at this stage. Give prospective customers the information they want, but don’t provide information that doesn’t serve them yet. For example, prospective customers might not need to know what installation of your product entails at this stage.
  • DO get creative with the way you present this information. How can you tell – or better yet, show – your audience what you’re all about and what they can expect?
  • DON’T put this information in just one place. You will likely need to repeat key information in several places across your website, ads and customer communications.

3. Relevance

Customers care about you, but they care about themselves a lot more. They want to know how your service or product can solve a problem for them

This is where your communication gets more personal. Speak directly to your customers and address their pain points.

Are they a busy parent with no time to wait around for a contractor who might show up between noon and 4 PM? Stress that your technicians always show up at a previously scheduled time.

Maybe they’re a college student who needs a durable bag to carry around campus. Highlight your bag’s reinforced seams and strong waxed canvas material.

In this email from Closets by Liberty, the customer testimonial takes up almost the same amount of room as the sale announcement. The combination of a sale announcement followed by a testimonial instantly bolsters a prospective customer’s confidence in the product.

Important Dos and Don’ts During This Stage:

  • DO use customer testimonials or reviews to reassure prospective customers that your product or service is the right choice for them. A little social proof goes a long way.
  • DON’T focus on the same things you did in the understanding phase. Dig a little deeper into what makes you unique to really hook prospective customers.
  • DO segment your email lists and create content tailored to each segment. This will ensure that you get the most from your email nurturing efforts.
  • DON’T try to speak to every individual. Use your audience personas to speak to broader key demographics (parents, college students, homeowners, etc).

Nurture Your Leads the Right Way

With the right lead nurturing, prospective customers will turn into loyal customers and brand ambassadors.

Need help putting this plan into action? We’re here.

  • 5 Reasons to Incorporate Video Into Your Digital Marketing Strategy
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If you’ve spent any time online, you know that video is everywhere. From endlessly scrolling TikTok to rewatching that incredible play from last night’s hockey game or watching your friend’s Instagram stories, it’s hard to not watch videos online. They’re eye-catching and entertaining!

But for businesses and digital marketers, video is a huge marketing tool. 

Why Does Video Marketing Matter?

Put simply, video marketing is versatile and effective. It can be used by nearly every industry on a variety of platforms to serve many audiences and purposes, from long-form videos on YouTube to short-form videos on social media. Whether you want to educate your audience, show your process or simply talk to your customers, video can do it. 

One of the things that’s so great about video is that it can do all of that at any stage of the funnel. Video marketing builds trust, shows your product or service in action, and is incredibly shareable on social media. From explainer videos to nurture someone who is becoming familiar with your brand to testimonial videos that push them to convert, video marketing is a powerful tool no matter where someone is in the marketing funnel.

Let’s take a deeper look at these reasons, plus a few more.

5 Reasons to Start Video Marketing

1. Your Audience Wants Videos

Whether it’s via YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, blogs, emails or your homepage, people want—and consume—video content.

Some interesting stats about consumer behavior and video:

65% of people turn to YouTube to help them fix something in their home or car. (We’ve all headed to YouTube for help to fix a leaky sink or change a headlight, right?) How-to videos, also called “self-directed learning,” are a huge marketing tool for service-based industries or even ecommerce businesses that may need to provide extra instruction for their product.

Emails with video are shown to improve click-through rates by 65%. This doesn’t mean that you need to put a video in every piece of email marketing, but it does mean that when you really want your message to make an impact, video can help.

2. It Drives Conversions

People are 144% more likely to purchase if there is a video associated with a product or service. For ecommerce businesses, this could be as simple as a short video showing your product being used or worn. If you’ve done any online shopping recently, you’ve probably noticed that many retailers include videos of real people wearing their clothes or shoes on their product pages. When customers can get a clear idea of what an item looks like on someone and how it fits, they’re more likely to buy. On landing pages, videos can increase conversions by 80% or more.

For service-based businesses, explainer videos are a great way to inform customers and increase conversions. Explainer videos are exactly what they sound like: videos that explain a service or product. They’re short, typically 30-90 seconds long, and give a high-level overview of your service and how it works. It’s essentially your elevator pitch.


3. Videos Create Connection & Credibility

Part of the reason video performs so well is that it allows you to create a connection with your audience by putting a face and a voice to your company. (Or multiple faces and voices.)

Video marketing also helps establish credibility and trust. Whether you create explainer videos, how-tos, or even video testimonials from clients and customers, video marketing goes a long way in proving your business is trustworthy.


4. Videos Can Help Improve SEO

Video can improve your site’s SEO in two ways:

Adding video to your website decreases the bounce rate and keeps people on your site longer. In fact, people tend to stay on a page with video 1.4x longer than pages without. Since time on page is one of Google’s ranking factors, video, along with proper optimization, can help boost your site in search results.

In addition to increasing time on page, optimized videos can rank on Google, giving you another opportunity to get a featured snippet spot. Featured snippets appear at or near the top of search results, which means instant eyes on your content.

5. Videos Are a Hit on Social Media

With the rise of TikTok during the pandemic, other social media platforms have tried to mimic the video-only platform. Facebook and Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts were created in an attempt to capitalize on TikTok’s popularity and hopefully bring a little of that non-stop scrolling to those platforms.

And there’s no shortage of ways to share videos on social media:

  • Facebook – in posts, stories and on Facebook Live
  • Instagram – in posts, stories and Reels 
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • TikTok (need TikTok inspiration?)

The Key to Video Marketing

There is one thing to keep in mind when it comes to video marketing: like most forms of marketing, it’s only effective if it’s authentic.

Authenticity is key on social media, thanks in part to TikTok’s popularity. That means you no longer need a six-figure budget to produce great video content. You just need useful, informative or entertaining content (preferably all three!)