Digital Strategy

Digital Marketing Essentials: 4 Strategies Every Local Business Needs

In today’s mobile-first world, business owners have had to adapt to the digital model that’s grabbing the attention of more and more potential customers.

In industries where the majority of leads were gained with the free in-home consultation model, many brands are finding that is no longer enough. As a business owner, you have to meet your potential customers where they’re spending most of their time, and these days, it’s online. Whether on Google, social media, or email, the typical user spends an average of six hours and forty minutes online each day.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through exactly what you need to evolve in this fast-paced world. First, we’ll discuss the key challenges businesses are facing today. Then, we’ll cover the tools needed to overcome these obstacles and come out on top.

Key Challenges for Businesses in the Digital Ecosystem


In a crowded digital landscape, building brand awareness requires a comprehensive, well-researched, and targeted full-funnel strategy. This involves leveraging a mixture of strategies like content marketing, cross-channel SEO, influencer marketing, and paid media placements to boost your business’ reach across audiences. 


Competition is inevitable and beneficial, driving businesses to innovate. A well-integrated digital marketing strategy that highlights your brand’s value proposition can help you stand out and present your unique brand voice and values. In such a crowded space with so many businesses, you need to tap into your brand’s authenticity and the ability to connect with customers.

Ad Spend & ROI

To avoid wasting money on ineffective digital strategies, a targeted, performance-based approach is crucial for keeping ad spend low and ROI high. You want to make sure you’re connecting with the right audiences for your brand, monitoring campaign performance, and making adjustments to keep up with trends and algorithm changes. This way, you know you’re doing everything you can to maximize your marketing performance and ROI.

Digital platforms like Google Business Profiles, Yelp, and Nextdoor are the new word of mouth.

Localizing Strategy

Digital platforms like Google Business Profiles, Yelp, and Nextdoor are the new word of mouth. Establishing your business as a local leader and expert through a mix of organic and paid marketing efforts is essential. Just as critical is engaging with your audience through an effective review and community management strategy where you can address customers’ questions, concerns, and thoughts in real time. Engaging with your audience online further humanizes your brand and builds on existing authenticity.

Let’s explore the four digital marketing essentials to help your business excel.

Organic Marketing Strategy

Organic marketing is the starting point for any successful digital strategy. Your organic presence is the proverbial “face” of your business online. This form of strategy has no ad-dollar investment associated with it. It is a living, breathing plan that requires long-term commitment, care, and maintenance to grow. Also, it doesn’t happen overnight.

Common forms of organic marketing include multiplatform SEO (search engine optimization), blogs, social media, and Google Business Profile(s). SEO is a marketing discipline aimed at growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. Technical and creative elements are necessary to improve rankings, drive traffic and boost search engine visibility. A mixture of integrated content creation and SEO strategy work together to foster a strong brand presence across all channels.

Additionally, on-site search engine optimization is a process that every effective organic marketing strategy employs. These sometimes subtle adjustments to your site’s design, copy, and tags make all the difference in how Google ranks your business presence in search results.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: content is king. Through highly targeted keyword research and understanding online user behavior data, a business can create content that will help it rise to the top of the search engine results page, or SERP. With targeted content, your brand will be able to establish credibility and its rightful place as the leading local expert in your industry.

The value of showing up in search results organically is high. By doing so, your brand positions itself as a leading authority and garners higher click-through rates, better user experiences, and more lead submission or conversion rates. The integration of valuable and localized content across your website and Google helps build that organic presence every business needs to maximize visibility and ranking in your local community.

Paid Media Strategy

On the flip side, we have paid media. Paid media comprises strategies that require investment, such as paid search, paid social, display ads, CTV (streaming TV services), and more. For most businesses, the best strategy is to combine paid and organic efforts because they complement each other in several ways.

While organic search and SEO are great tools to have, there are potential leads and customers that could be reached with a little bit of a nudge, and that’s where paid media comes in. The most well-known examples of paid media are Google Ads, display ads on websites, and paid social advertising.

What does it look like when you have paid and organic strategies running together?

Imagine this: you have a window cleaning business, and up until now, you’ve mostly been getting jobs through word of mouth. That’s great! Your website is decent, but you’re not showing up high on the search results or social media. So, you decide to write a blog about “How We Professionally Clean Windows” and then post it on social media. Your content shows how your process separates you from the competition. You take your time, are thorough, and don’t pressure customers to pay for services they don’t need.

To complete this puzzle, you decide you need paid media placements to run in tandem with this new organic content. You run a search ad with a “Free Window Cleaning Demo” offer callout so potential customers can see your services for themselves. This level of integrated strategy is a balanced approach that ultimately leads to more customers, builds brand trust and awareness, and collects that low-hanging fruit that maybe your blog and social post alone would not have caught.

Paid advertising dollars, when strategically placed, almost always pay off in the long run. It’s the megaphone your business needs to cut through the noise that may be overwhelming potential customers with options. This is why it is critical to carve out your unique value proposition and capitalize on it in your local area with paid media placements.

Website Maintenance

A website serves as the digital storefront for your business. It’s the first place potential customers visit when they see your Google Business Profile listing or paid media placement. So, it is crucial to stay on top of its maintenance and optimization. 

In this mobile-first landscape, businesses need to prioritize their site’s user experience across devices. Most users search for goods and services from their mobile devices, so optimizing your site for mobile and desktop is imperative. We’re sure you’ve heard about the growing privacy and security concerns in recent years, so another key part of website maintenance and management is privacy protection through HTTPS and compliance with privacy regulations. 

Keeping a website in good health involves contact form monitoring, lead nurturing process development and more. A team of website maintenance experts can ensure that your business’ website runs smoothly and efficiently across devices so potential customers aren’t lost before they even get a chance to fill out a form or place an order. 

Account Management & Reporting

While all of these strategies and tools are important for your business goals and objectives, there is one piece that brings them all together: account management and reporting.

Businesses with an effective account management and reporting system can consistently track the performance of their digital marketing efforts. With these findings, you can make informed decisions on where and how to adjust moving forward. Campaign optimization is a never-ending process as the digital space continues to evolve.

Through campaign optimization, we can ensure our efforts are targeted properly, and leads are gained at the lowest cost possible.

Balance Is Key

Adapting to a digital-first approach is essential for local businesses to grab the attention of potential customers and leads. By focusing on building awareness, overcoming the competition, optimizing ad spend, and localizing strategies, your business will thrive. Maintaining the balance between paid strategy, organic strategy, website maintenance, and account management will make your brand stand out even more.

Want to add some of these tools to your marketing strategy? Let’s talk.