• Tee Up Online Engagement For Your Golf Course With Video Marketing
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Golf isn’t just a game; it’s a masterclass in strategy, patience and precision. And just like in your digital marketing, every swing counts. A well-crafted library of strategically curated video content can capture the essence of the game, bringing its delicate balance of power and finesse to life.

When you capture the right emotional moment—like a golfer sinking a fist-pumping putt or a 19th-hole celebration with buddies—it can really hit home with your audience. These relatable experiences will make your video marketing assets not just watchable but shareable, too, forging a deeper connection with your existing community and exciting and enticing potential future members.

Bringing the Beauty and Thrill of Golf to Life Through Video

Without a doubt, golf is one of the most visually stunning sports out there. Unlike other sports where the games are typically played in extremely structured and familiar arenas, each golf course, and even each hole, can present a new experience for players. Whether it’s a course set against towering mountains or alongside a coastal cliff, video marketing allows golf resorts and country clubs to highlight these incredible landscapes in a way that captivates viewers and makes them want to be part of the scenery.

Beyond the views, the actual gameplay is rich with visual interest. Witnessing a golfer’s smooth swing, the ball soaring through the air, and the dramatic moment it lands on the green creates dynamic and engaging video content. Slow-motion shots and close-ups emphasize the precision and skill involved and can captivate your audience, giving them a front-row seat to all of the action.

Video is the perfect tool for marketing golf because it captures the true essence of the sport. By featuring both the beauty of the course and the thrill of the game, video marketing content becomes an immersive experience. It invites the audience to feel like they’re right there, walking the fairways or standing over that crucial putt. 


Unlocking the Full Golf Experience

But it’s not just about the golf course itself. It’s about the entire atmosphere—the vibe—that surrounds the game, and video content allows viewers to experience that even if they’re not there tallying up their scorecard. It’s a glimpse into an exclusive world of competition and skill, and your audience gets a front-row seat.

  • History: Golf has a rich history, and video is a great way to underscore that. Whether it’s footage of legendary tournaments, iconic players, or the evolution of the sport, video lets brands tap into the heritage of golf. Sharing this historical content connects with long-time fans and builds a sense of tradition and pride.
  • Tips and Tricks: For golfers who are always looking to improve, video is an ideal platform for sharing tips, tutorials, and educational content. Showing how to improve a swing, analyze a putting stroke, or tackle difficult shots is far more effective through video, allowing players to see exactly what to do. 
  • The Amenities: Video can show off the amenities, from the clubhouse to dining options and even the latest course fashion at the pro shop.

Capturing Golf from Every Angle

Video is one of the best ways to capture the variety and depth of the golf experience. On the ground, you get up-close views of players in action—whether it’s a powerful drive, a precise chip shot, or that crucial, nerve-wracking putt for birdie. This perspective brings viewers into the game, letting them feel the intensity and focus that goes into every swing.

But to truly capture the full beauty of a golf course, you need to take it to the skies. Aerial shots offer a breathtaking view of the course layout, showing how each hole weaves through the landscape. From this perspective, you can see the strategic design of the fairways, greens, and hazards, giving a bird’s-eye view that not only looks stunning but also helps golfers visualize their own approach to each hole.

By combining both ground-level action and sweeping aerial shots, video creates a dynamic experience that captures every angle of the sport. This variety of perspectives lets viewers appreciate the skill of the players and the beauty of the course in a way that feels immersive and engaging.

Woman with camera filming two golfers and a director on a golf course

Key Factors for Stunning Results

To get the best results with golf video, timing is everything. The time of year can significantly impact how the course looks on camera. Shooting during the spring or summer, when the grass is lush and green, makes the visuals pop and shows the course at its best. Fall can offer stunning scenery with vibrant leaves, but winter is pretty much off the table. The geographical location of your golf course also plays a crucial role, as courses in warmer climates may have year-round appeal while those in cooler regions may face more seasonal limitations.

Additionally, when planning your shoot, you need to consider grass treatment and the course’s busy seasons. Filming during peak times can disrupt play and affect the course’s appearance, so it’s essential to plan around maintenance schedules and high-traffic periods. Remember, capturing footage now means you’ll be marketing it later, so ensuring the course looks its finest is key to a successful video.

The time of day is just as important. Early mornings or late afternoons provide that perfect soft, golden light, making everything look warm and inviting. Midday can be harsh, with strong shadows and bright spots that are less flattering on video. Sunrise or sunset shots not only make the course look beautiful but add a touch of magic that can elevate the emotional impact of your content.

It’s also crucial to plan your filming around the course’s tee time schedule. Booking the right tee times or getting special access is essential to ensure the production crew has adequate time to capture all the footage they need.

A camera viewfinder filming two models on a golf course

By collaborating with the production team to pencil in specific tee times, you can avoid interrupting regular play and create a seamless shooting environment. This thoughtful planning not only helps in capturing the best shots but also significantly enhances the overall flow of your shoot, leading to a more polished final product.

Lastly, you’ll want to consider what kind of golfing talent to capture playing on your course. Whether you’re featuring club pros, actors, or even real club members, the people in your video should reflect the brand and tone you’re trying to create.

Club pros can demonstrate high-level skill and inspire your audience to envision themselves as the golfer they wish to be, while real members can offer an element of realism that feels authentic and relatable to everyday golfers.

Unlocking Golf’s Full Potential With Video Marketing

In today’s competitive landscape, video has become an essential tool for golf courses, resorts and country clubs to stand out and connect with their audience. From sharing the breathtaking beauty of the course to capturing the thrill of gameplay, video brings the sport to life in ways no other medium can. Whether you’re exploring the rich history of golf, offering instructional content, or giving a detailed look at a course’s layout, video creates an immersive experience that draws audiences in and keeps them engaged.

Ultimately, video offers a unique way to capture the full experience of golf. It doesn’t just show the sport; it invites viewers to be a part of it. With the right approach, golf courses can use video marketing that resonates, inspires, and drives action, connecting with their audience on a deeper level.

Camera equipment on the green grass of a golf course

Elevate Your Golf and Country Club Marketing With TriMark Productions

Let the experienced photography and video experts at TriMark Productions tell your course’s story through captivating video. Contact us to explore the possibilities.

  • How to Use Customer Testimonials in an Authentic Way
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Customer testimonials are more than just words on a page. They serve as powerful trust signals, establishing social proof and building credibility and rapport with your audience.

The value of hearing directly from satisfied (or dissatisfied) customers cannot be overstated; their experiences and preferences provide unique insights that can diversify and strengthen your brand’s marketing messaging.

However, the impact of testimonials hinges on authenticity. It is essential to recognize and uphold the integrity of customer testimonials and use them properly in your campaigns. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of authentic testimonials and how to use them.

Customer testimonial illustration

3 Types of Testimonials

Customer testimonials come in various forms, each offering distinct advantages depending on your marketing strategy and preferred content channels. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, understanding how each type of testimonial works can help you leverage them effectively throughout the customer journey.

Where you can share testimonials is almost endless—on your website, newsletter, sales emails, product or service brochures, landing pages or checkout pages, in paid campaigns and anywhere else you wish to bring in a unique perspective only a customer could share.

Online Reviews (Google, Yelp, etc.)

Written online reviews provide social proof directly from customers on platforms like Google, Yelp, the Better Business Bureau and more. These testimonials are easily accessible and offer credibility, as they are typically shared freely without any brand influence or monetary gain.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content includes testimonials shared by customers on social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, X, Instagram, Reddit and others. UGC offers a quick but in-depth look at someone’s experience of your brand and is particularly valuable for its authenticity, as it often originates from spontaneous, genuine customer enthusiasm. They are highly persuasive because they allow potential customers to see and hear real people interact with your brand.

Incentivized Reviews

Incentivized reviews are given by customers who receive a perk or a reward in exchange for their review of a brand or product. These rewards can be in the form of discounts, gift cards, free products and more, and are used by businesses to encourage customers to share their experiences. This marketing tactic works in tandem with using brand loyalists or influencers (or a mix of both) to further amplify your brand.

Incentivized reviews should be used sparingly to avoid cheapening the authenticity and genuineness of your business. Plus, incentivized reviews may lead to reviewers giving biased or exaggerated feedback in return for a reward, which can potentially mislead customers. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires reviewers to disclose when their review was incentivized, adding an extra layer of protection for consumers.

A Word to the Wise: Fair Use and the FTC’s New Rule

Keep fair use best practices in mind when sourcing testimonials for your content. These will vary depending on how and where you use the testimonial and your geographic location.

For example, if you’re running advertisements or adding quotes to your website sourced from a Google review, you must first receive permission from the individual. To repost a customer’s Instagram story on your business page, simply tag them or share as-is. Remember to be sensitive to people’s privacy and use only their first name or first name and last initial when sharing quotes.

Testimonial accuracy is also crucial—as of August 2024, the Federal Trade Commission announced a final rule taking action against businesses using fake reviews (including incursion of fines and civil penalties) and prohibiting businesses from buying positive or negative reviews.

Why They Matter: How Testimonials Can Impact Your Marketing Campaigns

Testimonials can significantly impact your marketing campaign by validating your brand’s promises through real customer experiences. They can drive tangible results like increased engagement on organic social posts, higher conversion rates and increased sales. In fact, testimonials on sales pages can increase conversions by over 34%, according to studies by WikiJob and VWO.

person working on computer

Testimonials work effectively at different stages of the funnel on both paid and organic channels—from generating initial interest and helping convert people with high purchase intent to fostering deeper connections with existing customers.

Additionally, they contribute to intangibles, such as enhanced brand trust and deeper product insights. By integrating testimonials into your campaigns, you can create a compelling narrative that not only attracts new customers but also strengthens relationships with those who have already made a purchase, ultimately driving long-term success.

Best-in-Class Examples of Testimonial Marketing

Across industries, from big corporations to local, family-owned businesses, testimonials hold weight for audiences. Below are four examples of how companies use their customer stories to move the needle.

Example 1: Mint Mobile’s “Real Customer Stories” Video Ads

Ryan Reynolds’ wireless phone service, Mint Mobile, brings a fun twist to the “real customer stories” format in their video ads.

In a short skit, Reynolds plays on the believability of reviews and the skepticism we feel as consumers—he introduces a customer on screen for a short Q&A about Mint Mobile, pretending not to believe his real name. This is followed by a new promotion announcement and a final joke. Love it or hate it, this style of marketing aligns with Mint’s stated message of doing the opposite of big wireless.

Example 2: Storytelling on Landing Pages

In this simple and effective example, TriMark Digital leveraged customer success stories on a landing page promoting Safe Step’s line of walk-in showers. The reviews are strategically placed to complement product information, user discovery and other trust signals such as accreditation and certification badges.

Given the sensitive nature of walk-in baths and showers, which are designed for seniors and individuals with mobility limitations, our approach used careful, concise language and a mix of video testimonials and quotes (not pictured). An easier-to-implement version of using testimonials on your website would be a carousel of quotes or even a pull quote on a webpage without additional styling or video components.

Example 3: Product Promotion Using Customer Reviews

To help drive sales to their new putter grip, TriMark Digital worked with Golf Pride to create an email highlighting recent reviews. The strength here is specificity—rather than using general quotes about the brand, we leveraged detailed descriptions of how people use this new putter grip, what they like about it and how it has improved their golf game.

Alongside of the quotes, we included clear CTAs in the email banner and after the reviews to make it easy for readers to shop without distracting from the main message: sharing customer perspectives.

Example 4: Pairing Testimonials With Product Recommendations

Do you want to give your customers a first-hand look at why one product may be better for them than another? Rather than serving ads and sending emails that just list your product’s features and benefits, bring in customer reviews to add variety and give people a deeper reason to believe.

In this FootJoy email promoting a new line of golf pants, customer reviews integrate seamlessly with a short tagline and detail imagery to give readers a quick-hitting understanding of the product and its purpose. Compared to the examples above, notice how in this case customer testimonials are not front and center, but serve to complement the content.

Elevate Your Marketing Campaigns

Customer testimonials are one of many tactics you can use to tell your brand’s story and connect with customers. Read more about marketing strategy on the TriMark blog, from leveraging seasonality in paid media to staying up to date on Google’s latest algorithm changes.

  • The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide for Black Friday 2024
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As we look ahead to Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2024, several key shifts in technology, consumer behavior, and market trends are likely to set this year apart from 2023, such as:

  • Increased Use of AI for Personalization: In 2024, AI will play a bigger role in optimizing email content, product recommendations, and timing. Hyper-targeted, dynamic emails will be the norm, improving engagement.
  • Even Earlier Sales: Expect more brands to start promotions even earlier, possibly as soon as late September, catering to shoppers looking for deals before the traditional holiday weekend.
  • Greater Focus on Sustainability: Growing consumer demand for eco-friendly practices will lead to more emphasis on sustainable shopping and promoting eco-conscious products in marketing emails.
  • Evolving Payment Options: The popularity of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) will continue to grow, with expanded offerings and more prominent placements in email campaigns to accommodate budget-conscious shoppers.
  • Post-Election Consumer Behavior: The results of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, happening just before BFCM, could influence consumer sentiment. Depending on the outcome, shoppers may either tighten their budgets or feel more confident in spending.

With these trends in mind, you can focus on the proven strategies that will make your brand stand out during the busiest shopping season of the year. Whether your goal is higher engagement, more conversions, or building long-term customer loyalty, these email strategies will help you succeed in Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2024.

Drive Email Signups with Special Discounts

BFCM isn’t just about the deals—it’s the perfect time to grow your email list. Build anticipation by offering early access to deals for new subscribers.

  • Exclusive Sign-Up Offers: Use discounts like “Sign up now for early access to our Black Friday deals” or “Join today for 20% off” to drive signups.
  • Pre-Holiday Pop-Ups: Add pop-ups on your website to capture email addresses, emphasizing early access or exclusive perks.
  • Multi-Channel Promotion: Promote sign-ups on social media, offering exclusive deals to your email subscribers.

Create Mobile-Friendly UX

With over half of all online transactions happening on mobile, optimizing for mobile is essential for BFCM success.

  • Responsive Email Design: Ensure emails load quickly and display correctly on all screen sizes. Use large buttons, clear CTAs, and fast-loading images. Test for compatibility in both light and dark modes.
  • Streamlined Checkout: Simplify the checkout process with one-click payments and mobile wallet options like Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Dark Mode: As dark mode becomes more popular, test for font and background color contrast, logo visibility, and image rendering to ensure your emails look polished in both light and dark modes.
  • Mobile-Exclusive Deals: Reward mobile users with app-only or mobile-exclusive discounts to drive quick, on-the-go purchases.

Develop Persona-Based Shopping Guides

Help your audience navigate the holiday rush by offering tailored shopping guides that align with different customer personas. Personalization based on behavior and preferences drives engagement and conversions.

  • Budget-Conscious Shoppers: Feature “Gifts Under $50” or “Best Deals for Savvy Shoppers.”
  • Luxury Shoppers: Showcase premium or exclusive products for high-end deals.
  • Last-Minute Shoppers: Offer fast shipping or digital gift cards to cater to procrastinators.
  • Hobby Shoppers: Curate products based on hobbies, like “Tech Enthusiasts” or “Fitness Fanatics,” making it easy for customers to find exactly what they need.

Build Urgency with Time-Limited Offers

Shoppers during BFCM are driven by urgency and FOMO. Use time-sensitive offers to push them toward faster purchasing decisions.

  • Flash Sales: Run short, high-impact sales using countdown timers in email campaigns to drive traffic. Send reminders as the sale is about to end.
  • Low Stock Alerts: Use scarcity messaging like “Only 3 left in stock!” to motivate immediate purchases.

Leverage SMS and Push Notifications

While email is essential, layering SMS and push notifications into your strategy will create a full multi-channel experience, ensuring customers never miss a deal.

  • SMS Reminders: Send SMS alerts with discount codes or reminders about abandoned carts.
  • Push Notifications: Use app notifications to highlight flash sales or exclusive mobile offers, driving quick conversions.

Post-Holiday Follow-Up Campaigns

Follow-up campaigns after BFCM can help build loyalty and continue driving sales.

  • Thank-You Emails: Send personalized thank-you notes to shoppers, offering discounts or related product recommendations to drive repeat purchases.
  • Abandoned Cart Emails: Target customers who didn’t complete their purchases, extending discounts for a limited time to encourage them to return and buy.

By focusing on these updated trends and proven strategies, your brand can maximize success during Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2024, driving engagement, conversions, and long-term customer loyalty throughout the holiday season.

  • How To Manage Ad Spend During the 2024 Election Season
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As we approach the 2024 election season, many marketers are concerned about the potential impact of political advertising on their campaigns. Will the influx of political ad spend inflate costs for non-political advertisers? Are audiences even paying attention to ads ahead of the election? Let’s dive into the data and separate fact from fiction.

The Big Picture: Political Ad Spend in Context

Recent data from The Trade Desk provides valuable insights into the realities of political ad spend:

1. Overall Impact: Political ad buys in 2024 will account for just 3.1% of total U.S. media spend. These buys are also short-term, peaking in October. This suggests that the impact on the broader advertising landscape may be less significant than many fear.

2. Channel Distribution: The majority of political budgets are allocated to traditional channels:

  • Over 75% of political ad spend in 2024 has been directed to broadcast and cable TV.
  • Other popular channels include social media and radio.

3. Geographic Concentration: Political ad spend is not evenly distributed across the country:

  • Three-fifths of political ad buys are at the state level.
  • Among presidential campaigns, 76% of ad spend is concentrated in just six swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

4. Historical CPM Trends: Looking at previous election cycles, we see that:

  • The highest average quarterly CPMs for political CTV ads didn’t occur in Q4 when political spending was most active.
  • The average monthly CPM range for the entire year varied by just $2.

What This Means for Advertisers

1. Limited Overall Impact: Most advertisers should feel minimal effects from the influx of political ad spend.

2. Localized Effects: Brands running local media buys in competitive swing states may see a rise in CPMs across social and traditional media, presenting a prime opportunity to test ads on newer platforms like DOOH, audio, display and OLV.

3. Q4 Considerations: The Q4 holiday season will likely have a more significant impact on CPMs than the election season.

4. Audience Targeting: The demographic targeting used by most brands often differs from that of political campaigns, reducing direct competition for ad inventory.

Consumer Perceptions and Opportunities

Recent research from iSpot reveals some surprising insights about consumer attitudes toward advertising during election seasons:

  • While 23% of Americans report being annoyed by political ads, this annoyance doesn’t generally extend to brand advertisements.
  • Only 15% reported increased annoyance with all ads during political campaigns.
  • 10% said they trust brand messaging less when political ads are present.

Most interestingly, 37% of respondents reported that the presence of political ads actually makes them pay more attention to other advertisements they see. This suggests a potential opportunity for brands to capture more audience attention during the election season.

Strategies for Success

1. Stay Agile: Monitor CPMs in your key markets and be prepared to adjust strategies if needed, especially in swing states.

2. Leverage Different Channels: Consider diversifying your media mix to include channels less impacted by political ad spend.

3. Refine Targeting: Focus on audience segments that are less likely to overlap with political campaign targets.

4. Create Standout Content: With increased consumer attention during political seasons, invest in creative that cuts through the noise and resonates with your audience.

5. Plan Ahead: If you’re concerned about potential CPM increases, consider securing ad inventory early, especially for Q4 campaigns.

By understanding the realities of political ad spend and its impact on the broader advertising landscape, marketers can navigate the 2024 election season with confidence. While there may be some localized effects in key battleground states, the overall impact on most advertising campaigns is likely to be minimal. With the right strategy and approach, the election season can even present unique opportunities for brands to capture consumer attention and drive meaningful engagement.

  • Advertising on Netflix: What You Should Know
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As of this year, cord-cutters, or those who don’t pay for cable or satellite TV, outnumber households that do have a linear TV subscription. The preference for a more diverse range of content, fewer commercials and no contracts has upended the traditional model of TV advertising, making CTV/OTT an integral part of a balanced media strategy for brands, not just a nice-to-have, to connect with target audiences. 

Streaming giant Netflix, one of the last holdouts for commercial-free streaming, entered the OTT advertising space in 2022 with an ad-supported membership option for budget-conscious viewers. Until recently, only select advertisers had access to its ad inventory. In March 2024, the streamer partnered with several prominent ad networks and demand-side platforms, expanding inventory and offering brands a new opportunity to engage with audiences.

Opportunity For Early Adopters

Nearly two years since its launch, the new subscription tier has amassed more than 40 million monthly active users globally, and over 70% watch more than 10 hours per month. Netflix also accounts for 7.3% of time spent with digital by US adults this year, behind only Meta and YouTube, with active US users projected to spend over an hour a day on average on the platform. 

Despite Netflix becoming a bigger and bigger part of consumers’ lives, according to eMarketer, the streaming giant makes up only 0.3% of total digital ad spending. That means early adopters who get in before the competition grows could enjoy a larger audience and lower CPMs.

How to Reach Netflix Subscribers

Netflix offers two ad options: pre-roll and mid-roll ads. Ads can be 10-75 seconds long, and viewers will see approximately four minutes of ads per hour of viewing, which they cannot fast-forward or skip through. Advertisers can target by content preferences and audience demographics, giving ample opportunity for personalized ad experiences that connect with viewers.

Add Some Tudum To Your Media Strategy

Whether your brand is just starting to explore CTV/OTT opportunities or is ready to add Netflix to an already healthy media spread, the paid media specialists at TriMark Digital offer expert management strategies to maximize your ad spend.

Contact your account manager or reach out to schedule an introductory call and explore the possibilities of streaming.

  • Navigating the August 2024 Google Core Update: What You Need to Know
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Google’s August 2024 core update has officially started to roll out, and it’s already making a noticeable impact on the SEO world. It’s partly designed as a corrective measure to restore the negative effects of 2023’s Helpful Content Update that sparked concern from small and independent publishers. Despite the optimism leading up to August’s rollout, Google did confirm a ranking bug shortly after it began. They’ve since fixed the issue and maintain that the ranking bug was unrelated to the August 2024 update. 

What’s New in the August 2024 Core Update?

According to John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, this recent core update is part of an ongoing effort to improve search results by promoting genuinely useful content. Mueller mentioned that this update does take into account feedback they have received from some publishers over the last few months who have been producing high-quality, user-focused content, which aligns with Google’s long-term focus of providing reliable and relevant information.

In July, Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, hinted that a core update would be rolling out soon, then Google confirmed on August 15th. In the weeks leading up, SERP volatility tools had been registering high volatility levels due to several rankings fluctuations already taking place.

Chart showing SERP volatility for the last 30 days, showing very high volatility

As with any algorithm change, this one had a significant amount of excitement that has since been tempered by several key factors:

  • A Ranking Bug Disrupted Results: Less than 24 hours after the update began, Google confirmed a ranking bug. This issue caused additional volatility in search rankings, making it difficult to accurately gauge the full impact of the update. Google has since confirmed that the bug was fixed on August 20.
Screenshot of Google's log of "incidents affecting ranking"
  • Month-Long Rollout: Similar to some of the more recent core updates, this one is expected to take about one month to fully deploy. That means the search landscape will remain fluid for the coming weeks. In the past, core updates typically took around two weeks to fully roll out. However, that trend was broken during the March 2024 Core Update, which took 45 days.
  • AI Overviews and Expanded Features: Google also announced that they have expanded AI-generated overviews in search results, which now include more links and are visible even to signed-out users. This could further influence the visibility and performance of certain content.

What Are SEOs and Publishers Seeing So Far?

The early feedback from the SEO community is mixed:

  • Minimal Immediate Impact: The majority of sites have not seen a noticeable change in rankings. This is not unusual during the early stages of a core update.
  • Signs of Recovery for Some: Interestingly, websites that were hit hard by the September 2023 helpful content update are beginning to show slight increases in visibility. However, these sites are still well below their previous performance levels and still a long way away from fully recovered.
  • Unpredictable Shifts in Rankings: Some sites, including those untouched by recent updates, are experiencing both positive and negative ranking changes. This reinforces the notion that core updates can affect a wide range of sites, regardless of whether or not they were previously impacted.

Why Does This Matter?

Understanding the full impact of the August 2024 core update will take time. With both the update and the expansion of AI overviews, it’s difficult to predict how the update will impact SERP pages and website performance. In this period of uncertainty, it’s important to stay informed and to closely monitor your site’s metrics.

What Should You Do Next?

As always, Google’s advice remains consistent: focus on creating high-quality, user-centered content. While the ranking fluctuations can be frustrating, recovery often depends more on long-term improvements to content and user experience than on quick fixes.

Avoid jumping to conclusions early on or attempting any major shifts. Core updates will continue to impact SERPs until the rollout is complete. Although Google reduced the number of times they show up, AI overviews are already adding another layer of disruption in overall rankings. Core updates and AI overviews impact rankings differently, which is why monitoring performance and creating valuable, high-quality content for your audience is important.

It’s also helpful to keep a pulse on industry chatter. Online SEO publications, like Search Engine Roundtable, share regular updates about various patterns and insights; they often contain clues and insider tips that can be especially valuable during these transitional periods. Remember, the core update won’t impact every site in the same way—some sites may see gains while others experience setbacks. Even if your website is unaffected, we still encourage you to stay in the know about how these trends are shaping the broader landscape.

Final Thoughts

The August 2024 core update could be a pivotal moment for many websites, especially those still feeling the effects of previous updates. However, with AI overviews expanding and a month-long rollout still ahead, the ultimate impact could remain unclear for several weeks.

In the meantime, continue focusing on quality content and stay adaptable and patient as the update progresses. Whether this update brings improvement or further challenges, a proactive, consistent, user-first approach will always position you for success in the ever-evolving SEO landscape.